Prevents diabetic neuropathy Helps regenerating process Diabetic& non-diabetic neuropathy
Serving size: 1 softgel
Servings per container: 30 softgels
Neuropathy is an important long term effect in diabetic patients. Burning sensation, numbness, loss of sensation, muscle cramps, poor reflexes and sensitivity to pain are common complaints. Methylcobalamin, an active form of Vitamin B12, has been studied in many trials. It's role has well been established in the treatment of automatic and pheripheral neuropathy in both diavetic and non-diabetic patients. The combination of the nutrients in Neuroguard has been designed to compensively effect favorable outcomes in Diabetic Neuropathy patients.
Suggested use: one capsule to be taken with your main meal.
Appropriate overages of Vitamins added to compensate for loss on storage.
Approved colour used in capsule shell.
Storage: *store below 30℃ at dry place. *protect from light. *keep out of reach of children. |